Over the past two decades, the scientific obat alami menggugurkan kandungan evidence in health, technology and human rights thought to provide safe and comprehensive abortion services has undergone a major evolution. Nevertheless, an estimated 22 million unsafe abortions continue to occur each year. An estimated 47 000 women died and 5 million women suffer morbidity due to unsafe abortions. The mortality and morbidity could be prevented through sexuality education, contraception, and the provision of safe and legal abortion services.
In developed countries, safe abortion services are available legally and can be done at the request of women, with broad limits both economic and social, as well as easy access. In countries where abortion is restricted by law and / or not available, safe abortion is often the privilege of the rich, while poor women have little choice, causing death and morbidity into social and financial burden on the public health system. 98% of the world's unsafe abortions occur in developing countries - this proportion has not changed since 2000.
Estimates of unsafe abortion confirms that the legal status of abortion has little effect on the choice of a woman for an abortion, meaning there is no relevance between the criminalization of abortion and the need for abortion. Although the law prohibits abortion, but women still try to seek abortion services.
Given these conditions and the need to provide safe abortion services to protect women's health, then in June 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally issued 'Abortion Safe: Free Technical and Policy in Health Systems' which is the second edition of the same guidelines published in 2003. the world Health Organization (wHO) issued the latest recommendations for use by the Ministry of Health, Program Managers and service providers worldwide. Free 2012 is to integrate the perspective of Human Rights (HAM) in the provision of safe abortion services and comprehensive, together with evidence of clinical and public health today, please visit here
In developed countries, safe abortion services are available legally and can be done at the request of women, with broad limits both economic and social, as well as easy access. In countries where abortion is restricted by law and / or not available, safe abortion is often the privilege of the rich, while poor women have little choice, causing death and morbidity into social and financial burden on the public health system. 98% of the world's unsafe abortions occur in developing countries - this proportion has not changed since 2000.
Estimates of unsafe abortion confirms that the legal status of abortion has little effect on the choice of a woman for an abortion, meaning there is no relevance between the criminalization of abortion and the need for abortion. Although the law prohibits abortion, but women still try to seek abortion services.
Given these conditions and the need to provide safe abortion services to protect women's health, then in June 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally issued 'Abortion Safe: Free Technical and Policy in Health Systems' which is the second edition of the same guidelines published in 2003. the world Health Organization (wHO) issued the latest recommendations for use by the Ministry of Health, Program Managers and service providers worldwide. Free 2012 is to integrate the perspective of Human Rights (HAM) in the provision of safe abortion services and comprehensive, together with evidence of clinical and public health today, please visit here